Activity 2


Big Question: How does the media influence the way people think?


Why are we doing this?: We are practicing four different literacy skills below


Journalism Activity 2- This is for the first lesson of class. Issues can be twisted, you decide how. Literacy skills can help us scan and summarize to get the gist of the articles.


Topic:  Obama saying “ You didn’t build this” referring to business owners not building their own companies. What did this statement mean and how is it twisted both ways?


Guiding questions:

Who should pay the most in taxes, rich or poor?

Can we not pay taxes if we do not use any government services?

How are jobs created, through consumers having more money to buy products or wealthy people having more money to invest and grow their business?


First look at the rhetoric in the titles of the links.... Then look for the rhetoric in the links.....  

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Link 4:

Link 5:


A. MVP from each article, Most Valuable Point. Write the statement that triggers you on the left and the MVP on the right.

B. It Says I say and so format.docx

C.Double Entry Diary.docx

D.Rhetorical Reading Center.docx